/* * The Clear BSD License * Copyright 2013-2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. * Copyright 2016-2018 NXP * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted (subject to the limitations in the * disclaimer below) provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PARTY'S PATENT RIGHTS ARE * GRANTED BY THIS LICENSE. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "fsl_ftfx_flexnvm.h" #if FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_HAS_FLEX_NVM /******************************************************************************* * Definitions ******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * Prototypes ******************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Convert address for Flexnvm dflash.*/ static status_t flexnvm_convert_start_address(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint32_t start); /******************************************************************************* * Variables ******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * Code ******************************************************************************/ status_t FLEXNVM_Init(flexnvm_config_t *config) { status_t returnCode; if (config == NULL) { return kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument; } config->ftfxConfig.flashDesc.type = kFTFx_MemTypeFlexnvm; config->ftfxConfig.flashDesc.index = 0; /* Set Flexnvm memory operation parameters */ config->ftfxConfig.opsConfig.addrAligment.blockWriteUnitSize = FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_FLEX_NVM_BLOCK_WRITE_UNIT_SIZE; config->ftfxConfig.opsConfig.addrAligment.sectorCmd = FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_FLEX_NVM_SECTOR_CMD_ADDRESS_ALIGMENT; config->ftfxConfig.opsConfig.addrAligment.sectionCmd = FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_FLEX_NVM_SECTION_CMD_ADDRESS_ALIGMENT; config->ftfxConfig.opsConfig.addrAligment.resourceCmd = FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_FLEX_NVM_RESOURCE_CMD_ADDRESS_ALIGMENT; config->ftfxConfig.opsConfig.addrAligment.checkCmd = FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_FLEX_NVM_CHECK_CMD_ADDRESS_ALIGMENT; /* Set Flexnvm memory properties */ config->ftfxConfig.flashDesc.blockBase = FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_FLEX_NVM_START_ADDRESS; config->ftfxConfig.flashDesc.sectorSize = FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_FLEX_NVM_BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE; config->ftfxConfig.flashDesc.blockCount = FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_FLEX_NVM_BLOCK_COUNT; /* Init FTFx Kernel */ returnCode = FTFx_API_Init(&config->ftfxConfig); if (returnCode != kStatus_FTFx_Success) { return returnCode; } returnCode = FTFx_API_UpdateFlexnvmPartitionStatus(&config->ftfxConfig); if (returnCode != kStatus_FTFx_Success) { return returnCode; } return kStatus_FTFx_Success; } status_t FLEXNVM_DflashErase(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, uint32_t key) { status_t returnCode; returnCode = flexnvm_convert_start_address(config, start); if (returnCode != kStatus_FTFx_Success) { return returnCode; } return FTFx_CMD_Erase(&config->ftfxConfig, start, lengthInBytes, key); } status_t FLEXNVM_EraseAll(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint32_t key) { return FTFx_CMD_EraseAll(&config->ftfxConfig, key); } #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_HAS_ERASE_ALL_BLOCKS_UNSECURE_CMD) && FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_HAS_ERASE_ALL_BLOCKS_UNSECURE_CMD status_t FLEXNVM_EraseAllUnsecure(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint32_t key) { return FTFx_CMD_EraseAllUnsecure(&config->ftfxConfig, key); } #endif status_t FLEXNVM_DflashProgram(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint8_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes) { status_t returnCode; returnCode = flexnvm_convert_start_address(config, start); if (returnCode != kStatus_FTFx_Success) { return returnCode; } return FTFx_CMD_Program(&config->ftfxConfig, start, src, lengthInBytes); } #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_HAS_PROGRAM_SECTION_CMD) && FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_HAS_PROGRAM_SECTION_CMD status_t FLEXNVM_DflashProgramSection(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint8_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes) { status_t returnCode; returnCode = flexnvm_convert_start_address(config, start); if (returnCode != kStatus_FTFx_Success) { return returnCode; } return FTFx_CMD_ProgramSection(&config->ftfxConfig, start, src, lengthInBytes); } #endif status_t FLEXNVM_ProgramPartition(flexnvm_config_t *config, ftfx_partition_flexram_load_opt_t option, uint32_t eepromDataSizeCode, uint32_t flexnvmPartitionCode) { return FTFx_CMD_ProgramPartition(&config->ftfxConfig, option, eepromDataSizeCode, flexnvmPartitionCode); } #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_HAS_READ_RESOURCE_CMD) && FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_HAS_READ_RESOURCE_CMD status_t FLEXNVM_ReadResource(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t lengthInBytes, ftfx_read_resource_opt_t option) { return FTFx_CMD_ReadResource(&config->ftfxConfig, start, dst, lengthInBytes, option); } #endif status_t FLEXNVM_DflashVerifyErase(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, ftfx_margin_value_t margin) { status_t returnCode; returnCode = flexnvm_convert_start_address(config, start); if (returnCode != kStatus_FTFx_Success) { return returnCode; } return FTFx_CMD_VerifyErase(&config->ftfxConfig, start, lengthInBytes, margin); } status_t FLEXNVM_VerifyEraseAll(flexnvm_config_t *config, ftfx_margin_value_t margin) { return FTFx_CMD_VerifyEraseAll(&config->ftfxConfig, margin); } status_t FLEXNVM_DflashVerifyProgram(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, const uint8_t *expectedData, ftfx_margin_value_t margin, uint32_t *failedAddress, uint32_t *failedData) { status_t returnCode; returnCode = flexnvm_convert_start_address(config, start); if (returnCode != kStatus_FTFx_Success) { return returnCode; } return FTFx_CMD_VerifyProgram(&config->ftfxConfig, start, lengthInBytes, expectedData, margin, failedAddress, failedData); } status_t FLEXNVM_GetSecurityState(flexnvm_config_t *config, ftfx_security_state_t *state) { return FTFx_REG_GetSecurityState(&config->ftfxConfig, state); } status_t FLEXNVM_SecurityBypass(flexnvm_config_t *config, const uint8_t *backdoorKey) { return FTFx_CMD_SecurityBypass(&config->ftfxConfig, backdoorKey); } #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_HAS_SET_FLEXRAM_FUNCTION_CMD) && FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_HAS_SET_FLEXRAM_FUNCTION_CMD status_t FLEXNVM_SetFlexramFunction(flexnvm_config_t *config, ftfx_flexram_func_opt_t option) { return FTFx_CMD_SetFlexramFunction(&config->ftfxConfig, option); } #endif status_t FLEXNVM_EepromWrite(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint8_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes) { status_t returnCode; bool needSwitchFlexRamMode = false; if (config == NULL) { return kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument; } /* Validates the range of the given address */ if ((start < config->ftfxConfig.flexramBlockBase) || ((start + lengthInBytes) > (config->ftfxConfig.flexramBlockBase + config->ftfxConfig.eepromTotalSize))) { return kStatus_FTFx_AddressError; } returnCode = kStatus_FTFx_Success; /* Switch function of FlexRAM if needed */ if (!(FTFx->FCNFG & FTFx_FCNFG_EEERDY_MASK)) { needSwitchFlexRamMode = true; returnCode = FTFx_CMD_SetFlexramFunction(&config->ftfxConfig, kFTFx_FlexramFuncOptAvailableForEeprom); if (returnCode != kStatus_FTFx_Success) { return kStatus_FTFx_SetFlexramAsEepromError; } } /* Write data to FlexRAM when it is used as EEPROM emulator */ while (lengthInBytes > 0) { if ((!(start & 0x3U)) && (lengthInBytes >= 4)) { *(uint32_t *)start = *(uint32_t *)src; start += 4; src += 4; lengthInBytes -= 4; } else if ((!(start & 0x1U)) && (lengthInBytes >= 2)) { *(uint16_t *)start = *(uint16_t *)src; start += 2; src += 2; lengthInBytes -= 2; } else { *(uint8_t *)start = *src; start += 1; src += 1; lengthInBytes -= 1; } /* Wait till EEERDY bit is set */ while (!(FTFx->FCNFG & FTFx_FCNFG_EEERDY_MASK)) { } /* Check for protection violation error */ if (FTFx->FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_FPVIOL_MASK) { return kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation; } } /* Switch function of FlexRAM if needed */ if (needSwitchFlexRamMode) { returnCode = FTFx_CMD_SetFlexramFunction(&config->ftfxConfig, kFTFx_FlexramFuncOptAvailableAsRam); if (returnCode != kStatus_FTFx_Success) { return kStatus_FTFx_RecoverFlexramAsRamError; } } return returnCode; } status_t FLEXNVM_DflashSetProtection(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint8_t protectStatus) { if (config == NULL) { return kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument; } if ((config->ftfxConfig.flashDesc.totalSize == 0) || (config->ftfxConfig.flashDesc.totalSize == 0xFFFFFFFFU)) { return kStatus_FTFx_CommandNotSupported; } FTFx->FDPROT = protectStatus; if (FTFx->FDPROT != protectStatus) { return kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure; } return kStatus_FTFx_Success; } status_t FLEXNVM_DflashGetProtection(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint8_t *protectStatus) { if ((config == NULL) || (protectStatus == NULL)) { return kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument; } if ((config->ftfxConfig.flashDesc.totalSize == 0) || (config->ftfxConfig.flashDesc.totalSize == 0xFFFFFFFFU)) { return kStatus_FTFx_CommandNotSupported; } *protectStatus = FTFx->FDPROT; return kStatus_FTFx_Success; } status_t FLEXNVM_EepromSetProtection(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint8_t protectStatus) { if (config == NULL) { return kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument; } if ((config->ftfxConfig.eepromTotalSize == 0) || (config->ftfxConfig.eepromTotalSize == 0xFFFFU)) { return kStatus_FTFx_CommandNotSupported; } FTFx->FEPROT = protectStatus; if (FTFx->FEPROT != protectStatus) { return kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure; } return kStatus_FTFx_Success; } status_t FLEXNVM_EepromGetProtection(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint8_t *protectStatus) { if ((config == NULL) || (protectStatus == NULL)) { return kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument; } if ((config->ftfxConfig.eepromTotalSize == 0) || (config->ftfxConfig.eepromTotalSize == 0xFFFFU)) { return kStatus_FTFx_CommandNotSupported; } *protectStatus = FTFx->FEPROT; return kStatus_FTFx_Success; } status_t FLEXNVM_GetProperty(flexnvm_config_t *config, flexnvm_property_tag_t whichProperty, uint32_t *value) { if ((config == NULL) || (value == NULL)) { return kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument; } switch (whichProperty) { case kFLEXNVM_PropertyDflashSectorSize: *value = config->ftfxConfig.flashDesc.sectorSize; break; case kFLEXNVM_PropertyDflashTotalSize: *value = config->ftfxConfig.flashDesc.totalSize; break; case kFLEXNVM_PropertyDflashBlockSize: *value = config->ftfxConfig.flashDesc.totalSize / config->ftfxConfig.flashDesc.blockCount; break; case kFLEXNVM_PropertyDflashBlockCount: *value = config->ftfxConfig.flashDesc.blockCount; break; case kFLEXNVM_PropertyDflashBlockBaseAddr: *value = config->ftfxConfig.flashDesc.blockBase; break; case kFLEXNVM_PropertyFlexRamBlockBaseAddr: *value = config->ftfxConfig.flexramBlockBase; break; case kFLEXNVM_PropertyFlexRamTotalSize: *value = config->ftfxConfig.flexramTotalSize; break; case kFLEXNVM_PropertyEepromTotalSize: *value = config->ftfxConfig.eepromTotalSize; break; default: /* catch inputs that are not recognized */ return kStatus_FTFx_UnknownProperty; } return kStatus_FTFx_Success; } static status_t flexnvm_convert_start_address(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint32_t start) { if (config == NULL) { return kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument; } /* From Spec: When required by the command, address bit 23 selects between program flash memory * (=0) and data flash memory (=1).*/ config->ftfxConfig.opsConfig.convertedAddress = start - config->ftfxConfig.flashDesc.blockBase + 0x800000U; return kStatus_FTFx_Success; } #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_HAS_FLEX_NVM */