 * \file
 * \brief Instance description for IDAU
 * Copyright (c) 2018 Microchip Technology Inc.
 * \license_start
 * \page License
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * \license_stop

/* file generated from device description version 2018-05-30T11:07:17Z */

/* ========== Register definition for IDAU peripheral ========== */
#if (defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))

#define REG_IDAU_SECCTRL        (0x41000001) /**< (IDAU) SECCTRL */
#define REG_IDAU_SCFGB          (0x41000004) /**< (IDAU) SCFGB */
#define REG_IDAU_SCFGA          (0x41000008) /**< (IDAU) SCFGA */
#define REG_IDAU_SCFGR          (0x4100000C) /**< (IDAU) SCFGR */


#define REG_IDAU_SECCTRL        (*(__IO uint8_t*)0x41000001U) /**< (IDAU) SECCTRL */
#define REG_IDAU_SCFGB          (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x41000004U) /**< (IDAU) SCFGB */
#define REG_IDAU_SCFGA          (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x41000008U) /**< (IDAU) SCFGA */
#define REG_IDAU_SCFGR          (*(__IO uint8_t*)0x4100000CU) /**< (IDAU) SCFGR */

#endif /* (defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */

/* ========== Instance Parameter definitions for IDAU peripheral ========== */
#define IDAU_CRYA_AES_DECRYPT_T                  0x02001908 /* crya_aes_decryp_t function address */
#define IDAU_CRYA_AES_ENCRYPT_T                  0x02001904 /* crya_aes_encryp_t function address */
#define IDAU_CRYA_GF_MULT128                     0x0200190C /* crya_gf_mult128 function address */
#define IDAU_CRYA_SHA_PROCESS                    0x02001900 /* crya_sha_process function address */
#define IDAU_GRANULARITY_ANSC                    0x20       /* Application Non-Secure Callable region granularity */
#define IDAU_GRANULARITY_AS                      0x100      /* Application Secure region granularity */
#define IDAU_GRANULARITY_BNSC                    0x20       /* Boot Flash Non-Secure Callable region granularity */
#define IDAU_GRANULARITY_BOOTPROT                0x100      /* BOOTPROT region granularity */
#define IDAU_GRANULARITY_BS                      0x100      /* Boot Flash Secure region granularity */
#define IDAU_GRANULARITY_DS                      0x100      /* DS region granularity */
#define IDAU_GRANULARITY_RS                      0x80       /* RAM Secure region granularity */
#define IDAU_REGION_ANS                          0x06       /* Flash Non-Secure APPLICATION region number */
#define IDAU_REGION_ANSC                         0x05       /* Flash Non-Secure Callable APPLICATION region number */
#define IDAU_REGION_AS                           0x04       /* Flash Secure APPLICATION region number */
#define IDAU_REGION_BNS                          0x03       /* Flash Non-Secure BOOT region number */
#define IDAU_REGION_BNSC                         0x02       /* Flash Non-Secure Callable BOOT region number */
#define IDAU_REGION_BOOTROM                      0x09       /* Boot ROM region number */
#define IDAU_REGION_BS                           0x01       /* Flash Secure BOOT region number */
#define IDAU_REGION_DNS                          0x08       /* Non-Secure DATA Flash region number */
#define IDAU_REGION_DS                           0x07       /* Secure DATA Flash region number */
#define IDAU_REGION_IOBUS                        0x00       /* IOBUS region number (invalid) */
#define IDAU_REGION_OTHER                        0x00       /* Others region number (invalid) */
#define IDAU_REGION_PERIPHERALS                  0x00       /* Peripherals region number (invalid) */
#define IDAU_REGION_RNS                          0x0B       /* Non-Secure SRAM region number */
#define IDAU_REGION_RS                           0x0A       /* Secure SRAM region number */
#define IDAU_INSTANCE_ID                         32         

#endif /* _SAML11_IDAU_INSTANCE_ */