 * This file was generated by the MCUXpresso Config Tools. Any manual edits made to this file
 * will be overwritten if the respective MCUXpresso Config Tools is used to update this file.

#ifndef _CLOCK_CONFIG_H_
#define _CLOCK_CONFIG_H_

#include "fsl_common.h"

 * Definitions

 ************************ BOARD_InitBootClocks function ************************

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus*/

 * @brief This function executes default configuration of clocks.
void BOARD_InitBootClocks(void);

#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __cplusplus*/

 ********************** Configuration BOARD_BootClockRUN ***********************
 * Definitions for BOARD_BootClockRUN configuration
#define BOARD_BOOTCLOCKRUN_CORE_CLOCK               2000000U  /*!< Core clock frequency: 2000000Hz */

/*! @brief MCG set for BOARD_BootClockRUN configuration.
extern const mcg_config_t mcgConfig_BOARD_BootClockRUN;
/*! @brief SIM module set for BOARD_BootClockRUN configuration.
extern const sim_clock_config_t simConfig_BOARD_BootClockRUN;
/*! @brief OSC set for BOARD_BootClockRUN configuration.
extern const osc_config_t oscConfig_BOARD_BootClockRUN;

 * API for BOARD_BootClockRUN configuration
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus*/

 * @brief This function executes configuration of clocks.
void BOARD_BootClockRUN(void);

#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __cplusplus*/

 ********************* Configuration BOARD_BootClockVLPR ***********************
 * Definitions for BOARD_BootClockVLPR configuration
#define BOARD_BOOTCLOCKVLPR_CORE_CLOCK              4000000U  /*!< Core clock frequency: 4000000Hz */

/*! @brief MCG set for BOARD_BootClockVLPR configuration.
extern const mcg_config_t mcgConfig_BOARD_BootClockVLPR;
/*! @brief SIM module set for BOARD_BootClockVLPR configuration.
extern const sim_clock_config_t simConfig_BOARD_BootClockVLPR;
/*! @brief OSC set for BOARD_BootClockVLPR configuration.
extern const osc_config_t oscConfig_BOARD_BootClockVLPR;

 * API for BOARD_BootClockVLPR configuration
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus*/

 * @brief This function executes configuration of clocks.
void BOARD_BootClockVLPR(void);

#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __cplusplus*/

#endif /* _CLOCK_CONFIG_H_ */