@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+use rand::thread_rng;
+use rand::seq::IteratorRandom;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use crate::encoder;
+use capstone::prelude::*;
+use keystone::*;
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct Instruction {
+ pub address: u64,
+ pub mnemonic: String,
+ pub operand: String
+impl Instruction {
+ pub fn new(addr: u64, mnemonic: String, operand: String) -> Self {
+ Instruction {address: addr, mnemonic: mnemonic, operand: operand}
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct AsmProgram {
+ //pub instructions: HashMap<u64, Instruction>
+ pub instructions: Vec<Instruction>
+impl AsmProgram {
+ pub fn new(bytecode: &Vec<u8>) -> Self {
+ let cs = Capstone::new()
+ .x86()
+ .mode(arch::x86::ArchMode::Mode64)
+ .syntax(arch::x86::ArchSyntax::Intel)
+ .detail(true)
+ .build()
+ .expect("Failed to create Capstone object");
+ let disas = cs.disasm_all(&bytecode, 0x0).unwrap();
+ let mut instructions: Vec<Instruction> = Vec::new();
+ for ins in disas.iter() {
+ let tmpins = Instruction::new(ins.address(),
+ ins.mnemonic().unwrap().to_string(),
+ ins.op_str().unwrap().to_string());
+ instructions.push(tmpins);
+ }
+ AsmProgram { instructions: instructions }
+ }
+ /// Output the ASM Instructions into a newline
+ /// separated string
+ pub fn to_string(&self) -> String {
+ // Map the instructions to a vector of strings
+ let s: Vec<String> = self.instructions.iter()
+ .map(|c| format!("{} {}", c.mnemonic, c.operand))
+ .collect();
+ // return the joined() version of the instructions
+ s.join("\n")
+ }
+ pub fn reorder(mut self) -> Vec<u8> {
+ println!("[+] Patching JMP/Loop/Call Instructions");
+ self.patch_jumps();
+ println!("[*] Reordering Blocks");
+ loop {
+ match self.reorder_blocks() {
+ Ok(v) => return v,
+ Err(v) => {
+ match v.bits() {
+ 161 => {
+ continue;
+ }
+ _ => {
+ println!("[-] Failed to reorder blocks");
+ std::process::exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn patch_jumps(&mut self) {
+ let mut label_ctr = 0;
+ // As we need to modify several items inside
+ let mut local_instructions = self.instructions.clone();
+ // to track the indizes into the local instructions
+ for instr in self.instructions.iter() {
+ // Check if the Instruction is a JMP instruction
+ if instr.mnemonic.chars().next().unwrap() == 'j' || instr.mnemonic == "call" || instr.mnemonic == "loop" {
+ // If an JMP instruction is found,
+ // obtain the destination addrs and
+ // insert a label before the corresponding
+ // destination.
+ // First, check if the operand begins with `0x`, if not,
+ // the destination is a register
+ if !instr.operand.contains("0x") {
+ // If the operand is a register, no action is needed as the value
+ // should be set correctly anyway
+ continue;
+ }
+ // else, the operand is parsed as u64
+ let wo_prefix = instr.operand.trim_start_matches("0x");
+ let jmp_destination = u64::from_str_radix(wo_prefix, 16).unwrap();
+ let new_label = format!("patched_jmp{}:", label_ctr);
+ // Get the position of the JMP destination in the instruction array
+ let local_jmp_pos = local_instructions.clone().iter().position(|c| c.address == jmp_destination).unwrap();
+ // Change the operand of the JMP instruction (JMP Label_{})
+ let pos_local = local_instructions.clone().iter().position(|c| c.address == instr.address).unwrap();
+ local_instructions[pos_local].operand = format!("patched_jmp{}", label_ctr);
+ // Create the patch
+ let new_instruction = Instruction::new(0, new_label, String::new());
+ local_instructions.insert(local_jmp_pos, new_instruction);
+ label_ctr += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // replace the instance vector with the local vector
+ self.instructions = local_instructions;
+ }
+ /// Reorder the instructions
+ pub fn reorder_blocks(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, keystone::Error> {
+ let asm = self.to_string();
+ const INS_PER_BLOCK: usize = 6;
+ let instructions: Vec<String> = asm.split("\n").map(|c| c.to_string()).collect();
+ // Split in Chunks, (Vector of String Vectors)
+ let chunks: Vec<Vec<String>> = instructions.chunks(INS_PER_BLOCK).map(|c| c.to_vec()).collect();
+ let in_between_chunks = &chunks[1..chunks.len()-1];
+ let in_between_chunks = in_between_chunks.to_vec();
+ let mut hm: HashMap<String, Vec<String>> = HashMap::new();
+ let mut label_counter = 0;
+ for mut chunk in in_between_chunks {
+ chunk.insert(0, format!("label_{}:", label_counter));
+ chunk.push(format!("jmp label_{}", label_counter+1));
+ hm.insert(format!("label_{}", label_counter), chunk);
+ label_counter += 1;
+ }
+ let mut shuffled_payload: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
+ shuffled_payload.push(chunks[0].join("\n"));
+ shuffled_payload.push(format!("jmp label_0"));
+ //hm.shuffle(&mut thread_rng());
+ // Loop though the len of bloocks and choose a random block
+ for _ in 0..hm.len() {
+ // Get the labels of the blocks
+ let labels = hm.keys().cloned();
+ // Choose a random label
+ let key = labels.choose(&mut thread_rng()).unwrap();
+ // Get the Instructions for that choosen label, generate string and
+ // Attach to the final, shuffled payload
+ let instructions = hm.get(&key).unwrap();
+ let instructions = instructions.join("\n");
+ shuffled_payload.push(instructions);
+ // Remove that key, as its already processe
+ hm.remove(&key);
+ }
+ let chunk_len = chunks.len();
+ shuffled_payload.push(format!("label_{}:", chunk_len-2));
+ shuffled_payload.push(chunks[chunk_len-1].join("\n"));
+ let asm_out = shuffled_payload.join("\n");
+ // return the assembled bytes
+ encoder::assemble_asm(asm_out, OptionValue::SYNTAX_INTEL)
+ }