#!/bin/bash add_params="-Pn" function initial { if [ -f "nmap/initial_$1.nmap" ]; then echo "[-] initial scan files are already present on system" exit 1 fi echo "[*] Initial scan for $1" nmap -T4 -oA "nmap/initial_$1" "$1" "$add_params" 2> /dev/null } function allports { if [ -f "nmap/all-ports_$1.nmap" ]; then echo "[-] initial scan files are already present on system" exit 1 fi echo "[*] Full scan for $1" nmap -T4 -p- -sV -sC -oA "nmap/all-ports_$1" "$1" "$add_params" 2> /dev/null } function udp { if [ -f "nmap/udp_$1.nmap" ]; then echo "[-] initial scan files are already present on system" exit 1 fi echo "[*] UDP scan for $1 (root is needed for that scan-mode)" sudo nmap -T4 --top-ports 1000 -sU -oA "nmap/udp_$1" "$1" "$add_params" 2> /dev/null } function udpfull { if [ -f "nmap/udp-full_$1.nmap" ]; then echo "[-] initial scan files are already present on system" exit 1 fi echo "[*] Full UDP scan for $1 (root is needed for that scan-mode)" sudo nmap -T4 -sV -sU -oA "nmap/udp_$1" "$1" "$add_params" 2> /dev/null } if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo 'scan (initial, all, udp)' exit 1 fi if [ ! -d nmap/ ]; then echo "[*] creating nmap folder" mkdir nmap fi if [ "$2" = "initial" ]; then initial "$1" elif [ "$2" = "full" ] || [ "$2" = "all" ]; then allports "$1" elif [ "$2" = "udp" ]; then udp "$1" elif [ "$2" = "udpfull" ]; then udpfull "$1" fi