_common.scss 1.2 KB

  1. /*********
  2. * Common *
  3. *********/
  4. @function gtkalpha($c,$a) {
  5. @return unquote("alpha(#{$c},#{$a})");
  6. }
  7. $ease-out-quad: cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94);
  8. $asset_suffix: if($variant=='dark', '-dark', '');
  9. $backdrop_transition: 200ms ease-out;
  10. $button_transition: all 200ms $ease-out-quad;
  11. * {
  12. padding: 0;
  13. -GtkToolButton-icon-spacing: 4;
  14. -GtkTextView-error-underline-color: $error_color;
  15. // The size for scrollbars. The slider is 2px smaller, but we keep it
  16. // up so that the whole area is sensitive to button presses for the
  17. // slider. The stepper button is larger in both directions, the slider
  18. // only in the width
  19. -GtkScrolledWindow-scrollbar-spacing: 0;
  20. -GtkToolItemGroup-expander-size: 11;
  21. -GtkWidget-text-handle-width: 20;
  22. -GtkWidget-text-handle-height: 24;
  23. -GtkDialog-button-spacing: 4;
  24. -GtkDialog-action-area-border: 0;
  25. // We use the outline properties to signal the focus properties
  26. // to the adwaita engine: using real CSS properties is faster,
  27. // and we don't use any outlines for now.
  28. outline-color: transparentize($fg_color, 0.7);
  29. outline-style: dashed;
  30. outline-offset: -3px;
  31. outline-width: 1px;
  32. -gtk-outline-radius: 2px;
  33. -gtk-secondary-caret-color: $selected_bg_color;
  34. }