# Global properties command=/usr/lib/i3blocks/$BLOCK_NAME separator_block_width=15 markup=pango # Volume indicator # # The first parameter sets the step (and units to display) # The second parameter overrides the mixer selection # See the script for details. # Guess the weather hourly [weather] command=curl -Ss 'https://wttr.in/munich?0&T&Q' | cut -c 16- | head -2 | xargs echo interval=3600 [notes] label=🗒️ command=$HOME/.scripts/i3/i3blocks/todoasdkas.sh interval=5 [pacman] label=📦 command=$HOME/.scripts/i3/i3blocks/pacman-upgradable.sh interval=60 [volume] label=♪ command=$HOME/.scripts/i3/i3blocks/i3volume.sh interval=2 # Mem % [memory] label=mem interval=30 command=$HOME/.scripts/i3/i3blocks/i3mem.sh # CPU % [cpu] label=cpu interval=5 command=$HOME/.scripts/i3/i3blocks/i3cpu.sh # Free Disk Space [disk] label=⛁ # Network interface monitoring [iface] color=#19c682 interval=10 separator=false # Battery indicator [battery] label=bat interval=30 command=$HOME/.scripts/i3/i3blocks/i3bat.sh # Date Time [time] command=date '+%d.%m %H:%M ' interval=5